

After experiencing a bit of frustration while interfacing with a stock trading app, I set out to create a design that provides a solution to my concerns.

However, I also wanted to hear from other people’s experiences, so I did a quick survey that provided useful insights into users’ pain points. The feedback was implemented in the design.

A major goal for this project was to create a user experience that would promote user engagement.



For my research, I carried out two main actions;

  • Study existing indigenous stocks trading apps. I explored existing apps like Bamboo, Trove, and Chaka. This enabled me to see how stocks trading is currently being approached.

  • Survey questionnaire. I sent out a questionnaire to people who already use one or more of the existing stock trading apps. Survey questions are listed below;

These questions were crafted to gain insights into users’ pain points, features most used, as well as features that they could be anticipating. Here are the questions;

  1. In terms of app design, what stocks trading app do you prefer, and why?

  2. What actions in the app do you find most difficult to perform?

  3. If you could add a new feature to the stocks trading app, what would it be?

  4. What do you spend most of your time doing on the trading app?


The responses below are based on the survey questions outlined above. For uniformity, the responses have been listed in the same order the questions were asked.


User #1

1. Bamboo

2. Verification/KYC was stressful

3. Quick deposits of funds

4. Checking for stock prices

User #2

1.     A simple, dark-themed, clean UI that focuses on graphs, data and makes it very clear how much a person is making/losing.

2.     Some apps make it hard to know your daily P&L (profit & loss) and all-time P&L, on the entire portfolio and on individual asset classes and classes.

3.     The ability to have sub-portfolios, so you can clearly separate stuff like long-term investments from short-term investments, etc on one platform.

4.     Trading, chart analysis, and a bit of financial news research.

User #3

1.     Bamboo. It is user-friendly, clean UI, can easily see the history of stocks, easy withdrawal/deposit.

2.     Tricky action to perform would be seeing a history of my investments, gains and losses.

3.     New features should answer the above challenges.

4.     Checking prices, earnings, market performance.

App Branding


Considering our target demography, we aimed to maintain a light and fun appeal, without losing the trust worthiness of a financial brand.

Typography used.jpg
Demo video -Stocks Trading App.gif

Mamo App reimagined (Visual UI design)


Compex Africa