App Store Optimisation

The Problem

Conversation rate for our app in the stores was really low - averaging 18%. This was lower than the industry average of 33% for apps within the same category and region. Conversion here represents the percentage of people who downloaded the app for the first time after visiting our page on the store.

The Process

First, I identified where the drop-offs happened the most. In this case the most drop-offs happened on the app listing page. Next, alongside competitive analysis, I did an audit of our page to determine the reasons why users dropped off. I identified 3 main reasons:

  1. Quality of preview images

  2. Inability of the images and content to establish brand trust, which is crucial for a financial app.

  3. Lack of clarity in communication style. Words used were quite ambiguous and technical for our typical users

After identifying these challenges, I worked with the brand design team to recreate the preview images. While doing this, I kept in mind the following:

  1. Simple and practical communication that users can easily relate with

  2. Clean and crisp images that are not overwhelming

  3. Organizing the image slides in an order that quickly establishes trust by highlighting the reasons the app can be trusted.

  4. Promoting the core values the app brings to the user.

The Result

We saw our conversation rate go up to 45% in the first 2 weeks after release and 50% by the end of the first month.


more conversion than peers


conversion rate

Spend as much time on copy as you do on visuals
— John Zeratsky